Check out our new short film created by young people to raise the profile of resilience and wellbeing and spread the love…
In June 2016 we were asked by HeadStart Kent to develop a creative product that would spread the key messages of their project from the last two years. We asked our wonderful Art31 group to come up with a concept and turn it into a product that could be shared. The group decided that they wanted to write a song to capture the key messages and then get this animated into a short film. The young people We then contacted A&C Studio’s to see if they could help. The young people had the ideas for the main characters Bounce Back Barry and Deflated Dale and A&C worked their animation magic to bring it all together.
The young people have also produced a resource pack with more information and activities to spread their messages. You can download the FREE resource pack here: Bounce Back Barry Resource Pack
Spread the Love
We want more children and young people to know that they’re not alone in whatever challenge they are facing.
You can help by:
1. Sharing our video:
2. Telling us what you think…
Do we talk about how we’re feeling enough?
Do we teach children and young people to express how they are feeling articulately?
Do people get enough information about resilience, wellbeing and support?
What else could we do to spread the message of resilience and wellbeing?
A huge thanks to A&C Studios, HeadStart Kent, all of the young people and staff who worked hard to bring Bounce Back Barry to life. We love him!